But, on the other hand, studies by Anthony B. Atkinson, C Level Contact List Thomas Piketty and other specialists have clearly highlighted that the internal inequality of countries and the global inequality between rich and poor have increased, with serious C Level Contact List problems in terms of unemployment and reduced chances of social advancement3. Globalization, the ease of movement of capital and the lack of capacity to make large fortunes C Level Contact List pay taxes have broken or significantly weakened the redistributive pact that was the basis of welfare policies. Do we have the appropriate social policies for the times in which we live?
Beyond the rhetorical question that heads this section, C Level Contact List the truth is that, in this new scenario, marked by uncertainty and volatility, a restructuring process of social policies is taking place that has notable doses of complexity and presents a C Level Contact List multiple, with different rhythms in different geographical areas. As we have pointed out raster to vector conversion schematically at the beginning of this article, different viewpoints have agreed to characterize this cycle of restructuring as a phase of change in the social paradigm of a similar scope to that represented by the transition from the Old Regime to the liberal-industrial State, or from this to the Welfare State in full Fordism.
From the productive point of view, the impact of C Level Contact List the great technological changes has totally modified the coordinates of industrialism. Economic globalization, combined with the ease of communication and distance shopping, has allowed the C Level Contact List use of differential costs on a planetary scale, dismantling companies and production C Level Contact List plants. Words like "flexibility", "adaptability" or "mobility" have replaced "specialization", "stability" or "continuity". The knowledge and communication society seeks differential value, the source of profit and productivity in intellectual capital and connectivity, compared to previous logics focused on physical and human capital, but at the same time it generates precariousness and reduction salary across the board.